Intermittent fasting, calorie restriction, and weight loss: Insights from recent data

At this time of year, many of us set ourselves resolutions to lose weight. This might be to boost our power-to-weight and therefore sharpen our performance, to stave off middle age’s creeping effects on the scales, or just to slim down after a little hard-earned festive overindulgence. The science of weight loss is an amazingly noisy field, and it is clear that there are a number of methods people have successfully used to drop pounds. In this blog, we cannot possibly cover the entirety of the science on how best to chip away at excess body fat mass. What we will cover, though, is a recent and excellent study published by researchers from the University of Bath in the UK that examined the effects of intermittent fasting on weight loss and body composition. Specifically, in the study the researchers sought to quantify the effects of intermittent fasting on weight loss and body composition that are independent of effects on energy balance – i.e. does intermittent fasting...

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Eating Before your Workout I Carbohydrate vs Protein vs Fasted

The question of “what should I eat before training”, is one that personally, I get asked a lot! Both by the athletes I coach, and by our Endure IQ education community (athletes and coaches). Up until now, I’ve always answered based on what I thought I knew, and what the literature pointed towards. However, to put it simply, the research just hasn’t been done in this space. That’s why I was super excited when I met my PhD student Jeff Rothschild nearly two years ago and learned this was the question he was eager to answer. I know what you’re thinking “this has surely been researched and already known?" Well, quite simply, it hasn’t, and certainly not in well-trained athletes.

As part of our quest to help figure out how we should be eating before exercise, I'm excited to share with you the findings from a new study from our lab that was just published, titled "Pre-Exercise Carbohydrate or Protein Ingestion Influences Substrate Oxidation...

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