Unpacking 'Within-Session Intensity Regulation': Defining the Concept

In recent blogs and newsletters, I have extensively discussed 'within-session intensity regulation.' I believe that proper within-session intensity regulation is one of the most critical components of the training process. It's a topic I spend a lot of time contemplating, planning for, and researching.

But what exactly do I mean by 'within-session intensity regulation'? In this blog, I'll attempt to clarify this concept.


Imagine you're training for an Ironman. You're currently in the midst of a four-week Specific Strength training block, focusing on (i) accumulating a substantial overall training volume and (ii) engaging in long, tempo runs on hilly terrain. Your training program emphasizes low-intensity sessions below the lactate threshold, allowing you to train extensively and frequently without inducing excessive fatigue (7, 8). The only sessions in your plan that exceed the lactate threshold are (i) a midweek trainer workout involving 8-minute...

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